1. What Are Cookies?

Cookies are widely used tiny pieces of software (files) that are installed on a computer or mobile device when an individual visits a website. Cookies allow websites to recognise that a user on an individual computer has previously visited the site. The cookies save some information about that user for when they access the site again in the future.

By using and browsing the AvisWilliams.com website, you consent to cookies being used in accordance with our policy. If you do not consent, you must turn off cookies or refrain from using the site.

If you want to check or change what types of cookies you accept, this can usually be altered within your browser settings. To enable or disable cookies, follow the instructions provided by your browser (usually located within the ‘Help’, ‘Tools’, or ‘Edit’ facility). Alternatively, an external resource is available at All about cookies provides specific information about cookies and how to manage them. If you wish to know how to remove cookies then AboutCookies.org or http://www.whatarecookies.com should be of help.

Switching off cookies may restrict your use of the website and/or delay or affect the way in which it operates. None of the cookies used on our websites collect personally identifiable information about you.

2. How Do We Use Cookies?

• Session cookies: these are only stored on your computer during your web session and are automatically deleted when you close your browser. Session cookies help aviswilliams.com remember what you chose on the previous page, therefore avoiding having to re-enter information. On our website, these cookies do not contain personal information, and cannot be used to identify you.

• Persistent cookies: a persistent cookie is stored as a file on your computer and it remains there when you close your web browser. The cookie can be read by the website that created it when you visit that website again. We use persistent cookies for Google Analytics to help us to track how visitors reach our site and the path they take through it to help us improve our service to you. Find out more about how these cookies are used on the Google Privacy site.

• Advertising links that were created by another company can use cookies to track from which site you came from. Some of those will be for affiliate links where cookies are used in tracking and payment systems. The usage of these cookies is beyond our control and we may not be able to ask your permission.

2.1 Cookies can also be categorised as follows:

• Strictly necessary cookies. These are cookies that are essential to make a website work and enable features that users have specifically asked for. These types of cookies are commonly used with shopping baskets or e-billing. Without the use of cookies, these features of the website could not operate.

• Performance cookies. These cookies collect anonymous information about users for the purpose of assessing the performance of a website. Common uses include well-known web analytics tools such as ‘Google Analytics’.

• Functionality cookies. These are cookies that automatically remember choices that users have previously made in order to improve their experience next time they visit a website. For example, where users select their preferred settings and layout.

• Targeting or Advertising cookies. These cookies are similar to performance cookies, in that they collect information about users’ behaviour. However, this information is used at the individual user level to advertise products and services to users on the basis of the behavioural information collected.

2.2 Cookies and Privacy Attributes

Cookie scan last updated on 22/04/2018 by https://webcookies.org

Performance Cookies:

_gaRegisters a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.730 daysHTTP Cookie
_gatUsed by Google Analytics to throttle request rateSessionHTTP Cookie
_gidRegisters a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.SessionHTTP Cookie
__cfduidUsed to override any security restrictions based on the IP address the visitor is coming from1 YearHTTP Cookie

Targeting and advertising cookies:

frThese cookies are placed by one of our 3rd-party agencies to allow them to track the activities of visitors that have come to the site from their adverts90 days