How To Cope With Your Spiritual Awakening Symptoms

Spiritual awakening symptoms occur when there’s a lot of spiritual energy moving through the physical body. Your body does not have enough capacity to contain the energy being received, so it needs to release the unneeded or excess energy. To do this, we need to ground ourselves; grounding means allowing ourselves to be fully present with our physical bodies and physical reality. We entrain with the earth’s frequency; your body becomes more relaxed as you tune into that frequency. Grounding is the perfect remedy for anyone feeling dizzy, spaced out, drained, confused, overwhelmed, panicked, or angry.
Below are some tips on how to manage your spiritual awakening symptoms. I hope what I share helps to ease your spiritual awakening symptoms.
10 Tips to Manage Your Spiritual Awakening Symptoms:
1. Start a journal or keep a diary
Keep a journal of your spiritual awakening symptoms. Write about what happened during the day, your thoughts, feelings, experiences, and possible triggers. Looking back on what I have written, you will notice patterns and possible triggers that may have caused or aggravated your symptoms. Check out digital planners at Wellness Printables
2. Eat root vegetables
Anything that grows under the surface of the earth will help you connect with the earth’s energy. Vegetables include potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, carrots, beetroot, and radishes.
3. Have a Salt Bath
Cleanse your aura and physical body by soaking in steaming water with sea salt, Himalayan salt, or Hawaiian salt. Sit for about 20 minutes.
4. Be in nature
Go to the park or your garden and hug a tree. Place your arms around the tree and feel your energy combine with the tree’s energy. Silently in your mind, say, “I am now grounded, thank you.” Imagine the unwanted energy flowing out of you and being sent down the tree roots into the ground. Continue until you feel you are grounded.
Walk barefoot on the earth. You can also work with your hands on the earth and sit or lie down on the ground.
5. Grounding Exercises
Exercise is a great way to feel grounded and connected with your physical body. Some great exercises for grounding are walking, cross crawls, marching, yoga, and yoga mountain pose (Tadasana), which helps to align the body.
Watch the video below to learn mountain pose (Tadasana)
6. Try breathing
“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” — Orpah Winfrey
Learn how to breathe. After all, breath is the essence of life and being. Learning correct breathing techniques not only enhances clarity of mind but helps to restore the body’s natural flow of energy. Learn to let your breath go slow and deep into the centre of your being. Continue to follow your breath, feeling it go in and out. Just follow it with awareness. Stay awake and aware. It’s not about the breath but the awareness.
– Excerpt from The Life Purpose Workbook by Avis Williams
Watch video: How to do belly (diaphragmatic) breathing
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama: Alternate Nostril Breathing
Nadi Shodhana is a yogic pranayama breathing practice. The name comes from the Sanskrit words: “Nadi”, meaning “channel”, and “Shodhana, meaning “cleansing” or “purifying”. Nadi Shodhana clears blocked energy channels to restore and balance the flow of prana in the body.
Watch the video to learn how to do Alternate Nostril Breathing
7. Wear grounding colours
Colours are also energy; wearing colours such as red, black or brown will help you feel grounded, or you can also have the colours in your surroundings.
8. Use Essential Oils
Use these essential oils for grounding tea tree, myrrh, cedarwood, vetiver, patchouli or lavender.
Get a 50ml or larger glass spray bottle. Fill the bottle with spring water, and drop a few drops of essential oil. Shake it up and spray it on yourself.
9. Use a smudge stick
Native Americans use smudging in healing ceremonies to cleanse negative or residual energy. Use white sage or Satya Sai Baba Nag Champa. Light the smudge stick and use your hand to direct the smoke over your head, face, front/sides of your body, under your feet, around your hands and arms, and as much of your back as you can reach. You can also use smudging to cleanse environments or objects.
10. Focus on your physical life
Do any activity that keeps you in the present moment. Do something you are passionate about and enjoy, like spending time with family or friends, watching a movie, creating something or learning something new. Read this article on how to start living in the present.
Let me know what spiritual awakening symptoms you experience by leaving a comment below.