How To Meditate: Learn Meditation Techniques

how to meditate

(Photo by Dingzeyu Li)

Meditation is a practice that will help you to focus and develop deep concentration in order to still the mind and eventually reach a higher level of awareness and inner peace. When your mind is focused, your thoughts start to fade in the background and eventually will disappear. Leaving your mind in a state of self-realization.

How To Start Meditating

Learning how to meditate as a beginner can be a struggle. It will be a straightforward process if you’re able to follow these 4 simple steps:

Step 1. Decide on a time and place that works for you.
Decide on a regular place and time for your meditation, so that it becomes a new habit. Your meditation space could be a section in your living room, bedroom or anywhere you are free from distraction and feel comfortable for the duration of the meditation.

Step 2. Decide on an amount of time to meditate.
If you are new to meditating start with 5 minutes every day, once you feel comfortable, meditate longer for 15 – 45 minutes a day. It is important to decide on an amount of time that is beneficial for you and feels achievable so that you will continue to meditate day after day.

Step 3. Make sure you sit Comfortably. Get a comfortable chair with a cushion. It’s important that you are able to sit in a comfortable, upright posture that feels natural to you for 15-45 minutes.

Step 4. Decide on what meditation to start with.
If you are new to meditation, I recommend guided meditation. Guided meditation is led by an experienced meditation teacher, either in person at a meditation group or via video or audio as Zen 12: free guided meditation audio Once you feel comfortable with doing guided meditation, try meditating without being guided.

Try Different Meditation Techniques

There are several styles of meditation. The first thing you need to do is to try different meditation methods, The techniques that work best for you will depend on your goals, so before you begin to meditate, consider what it is you want to get out of meditation.

For example, you might want to get into a better sleep routine, or you might struggle to relax and are using meditation as a method of doing that. Consider how your mind and body feel after each technique. Is there one technique that makes you feel better than others? You may want to mix up certain styles to make them more interesting for yourself and to reward yourself with the maximum benefits. I am going to share three meditation methods that I use.

How to Meditate: Three Meditation Techniques

Focused Meditation

This technique involves focusing on a single point or object. This style of meditation tends to be easier for beginners as your thoughts are specifically focused on one thing, such as a visual image, candle flame, breath, or sound. This style calms and focuses the mind.

1. Sit comfortably. look straightforward, make sure your spine is straight and your legs are shoulder-width apart, your feet are flat on the ground, and your palms are facing up on your lap.

2. Close your eyes.

3. Focus your attention on the breath.

4. Slowly inhale (Make no effort to control the breath; breath naturally from your diaphragm), and exhale through the nose. If your mind starts to wander, just refocus your attention on the breath.

5. Do this for as long as you need. (if you are a beginner start with 5 minutes)

6. At the end of the meditation, before opening your eyes, take three slow, deep breaths and slowly open your eyes.

Mantra Meditation

Try to say a mantra, as you inhale and exhale. A mantra helps to quickly focus the mind and still the thoughts. Once your mind is fairly silent, drop the mantra and focus on your breath. The mantra can be an affirmation or any sacred word such as So Hum”, which means “I am that”.

1. Sit comfortably. look straightforward, make sure your spine is straight and your legs are shoulder-width apart, your feet are flat on the ground, and your palms are facing up on your lap.

2. Close your eyes.

3. Focus your attention on the breath.

4. Slowly inhale (Make no effort to control the breath; breathe naturally from your diaphragm), and silently in your mind repeat the word Sooooo.

5. Then slowly exhale through your nose while silently in your mind repeating the word Hummmm. Continue to allow your breath to flow easily, silently repeating Sooooo… Hummmm . . . with each inhale and exhale of the breath.

6. Whenever your attention wanders, gently return to your breath, silently repeating Sooooo . . . Hummmm.

7. Do this process for 10 to 45 minutes or until you have entered a deeper level of awareness and consciousness. It will then become unnecessary to continue repeating the mantra.

8. At the end of the meditation, before opening your eyes, take three slow, deep breaths and slowly open your eyes.

Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is great for people that are new to meditation. I recommend starting meditating every day for 2 to 5 mins. once you feel comfortable meditate for longer for 15 – 45 minutes a day without guided meditation. Learn how to meditate, Read article 10 best Free Guided Meditation Websites and my 16 Meditation Tips for Beginners to Help You Succeed

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